Monday, July 30, 2012

A Photo A Day

One of my early posts at the beginning of 2012 was a list of 12 things I wanted to try and accomplish this year. Hm...I better crank it up if I hope to be able to place a lot of check marks come December! A few I'm doing ok, others, not so much. I have however, been rising to the challenge of taking a photo a day, and thought it would be fun to see a collection of some of the highlights for the first six months. Here goes....

The start of 2012 could not have been any more glorious. New Years Day the temperatures were abnormally high and enormous fruits were already appearing on the trees, a bonanza for the birds. Not sure what it's saying about the environment and climate change.

Egg delivery by way of Mumbai, India, arriving fresh and unbroken. The kind entrepreneur asking two strangers back to his house for an omelette. Hospitality from a country like nothing else I've ever seen.

Chandelier envy at the Chowmahallia Palace in Hyderabad, India.

Who could resist this mode of transportation on Valentines Day in Mumbai? You might be taking your life in your hands, but what a romantic?? ride

Anthropologie's window designers are on a roll. They have come up one creative design after another this year, always incorporating recycled and upcycled materials to the delight of people like myself.

Living within walking distance to the start of Heartbreak Hill during The Boston Marathon does have it's advantages.

First trip of the season back to Nantucket. The sight of the island never failing to make my heart go pitter patter.

Scents in the garden have been heavenly thus far. Blooms larger than normal, fragrance filling a room!

My first attempt at jam making. Successful and delicious. You could say I'm hooked on canning.

I've always been pretty consistent about keeping journals when I travel, but I can't tell you how many starts and stops I've had keeping a daily written journal. I must have one of the largest collections of semi filled entry books known to woman. What started as a challenge to increase my photographic prowess has ended up being a lovely visual diary for the year. It's not been difficult to keep at it; I've actually enjoyed the exercise quite a bit, and hope I'll make it to the end of the year as easily as I've breezed through the first half. As I looked back through these pictures, I was thrilled to have this organized walk down memory lane.
Do you have a method for keeping a daily record of important parts of your life? What tips do you have for keeping motivated?

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